8th Grade World History II Online
Course Overview: Continuing a survey of world history from prehistoric to modern times, this course includes K12 online lessons and assessments that complement the second volume of The Human Odyssey, a textbook series developed and published by K12. This course focuses on historical developments from the fourteenth century through the start of World War I in 1917. Organized chronologically and, within broad eras, regionally, the course explores major developments in religion, philosophy, the arts, and science and technology. Geography concepts and skills are introduced in context with the historical narrative. Major Topics of Study: The cultural rebirth of Europe during the Renaissance The Reformation and Counter-Reformation The rise of Islamic empires Changes in civilizations in China, Japan, and Russia The Age of Exploration and the thriving civilizations in the Americas before European contact Transformations brought about by the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment Democratic revolutions of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries The Industrial Revolution and its societal impacts Nineteenth-century nationalism and imperialism Major changes in communications and society at the turn of the twentieth century

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