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1st Grade Art Online-Full Year
This course introduces students to the world of art and architecture. Students learn about paintings and sculptures and see art that looks realistic and art that looks imaginary. Students discover how artists use lines, shapes, colors, patterns, textures, symmetry, and forms in portrait, landscape, and still life artworks. They discover ancient cave paintings and ancient art from Egypt, Greece, and China. Students draw, paint, and sculpt their own artworks that are inspired by the artworks they study.
1st Grade Fitness and Health Online-Full Year
Young students continue to learn the basics about how their bodies grow and work. In this course, they learn about health resources and begin learning how the media can influence health. Lessons cover nutrition, healthy habits, mental health and wellness, exercise and activity, injury and violence prevention, and safety. Students participate in fitness activities in each lesson. They practice fundamental movement patterns like balancing, cross lateralization, and sequencing skills. They learn spatial and body awareness and how food and energy are connected. Students will learn about communicating feelings, personal responsibility, and the importance of lifetime wellness.
1st Grade History Online-Full Year
This course covers several different areas of social studies, including physical and human geography; history and historical sources; U.S. symbols, songs, and celebrations; citizenship and civic responsibility; and economics.Students learn about the locations, characteristics, resources, and cultures of the earth, as well as those in their own community. They explore concepts related to the study of history and the history of the United States. Students identify key U.S. symbols and learn the reasons behind special national observances. They learn the meaning of citizenship and the duties and responsibilities of good citizens. Students explore basic economic concepts, such as needs and wants, buying and selling, and consumers and producers. They investigate the development of ancient civilizations in the Fertile Crescent, Egypt, India, China, and Greece.
1st Grade Language Arts and Phonics Online
$250 - $500
The English Language Arts 1 program comprises two courses, ELA 1 and Phonics 1. The program provides a well-balanced approach to literacy that integrates phonics, reading, writing, grammar, vocabulary, spelling, and handwriting. Students develop comprehension, build vocabulary, and gain a lifelong interest in reading. Thematic units in literacy contain workshops in which instruction is anchored by a focus text. Through a combination of teacher-led instruction (either live or via embedded video within the course) and independent practice (both online and offline), students build knowledge by exploring both classic and contemporary works in different genres and formats—fiction, poetry, drama, nonfiction, trade books, magazines, and e-books. Beginning in the second semester, students complete focused grammar activities and write a variety of compositions by following the writing process.Phonics prepares students to become independent readers through teacher-led, systematic, multisensory instruction in a developmentally appropriate manner. Students review phonological awareness and learn advanced decoding skills and sight words. Letter tiles, a variety of interactive games and activities, and decodable readers (brief stories that consist entirely of words students can read independently) support multimodal learning. Spelling instruction begins in the second half of the first semester in ELA 1, building on the foundation of letter-sound knowledge previously mastered in Phonics.Targeted handwriting activities provide gentle instruction to help students print letters correctly.Phonics prepares students to become independent readers through teacher-led, systematic, multisensory instruction in a developmentally appropriate manner. Students review phonological awareness and learn advanced decoding skills and sight words. Letter tiles, a variety of interactive games and activities, and decodable readers (brief stories that consist entirely of words students can read independently) support multimodal learning. Spelling instruction begins in the second half of the first semester in ELA 1, building on the foundation of letter-sound knowledge previously mastered in Phonics.
1st Grade Math Online-Full Year
Math 1 continues to build a strong foundation in mathematical concepts. Students master content through a combination of teacher-led instruction (either live or via embedded video within the course) and independent practice. Teacher-led instruction engages students using online teacher resources, including virtual manipulatives, videos demonstrating concepts with physical manipulatives, and videos teaching concepts through song. During independent practice, students solve problems online, often working with virtual manipulatives, and offline in an activity book. The Math 1 curriculum focuses on numbers and counting, data representations, addition and subtraction, story problems, length, time, shapes, and place value. Throughout the Math 1 course, students review mathematical concepts found around them in the world. They also master addition and subtraction math facts through 10.
1st Grade Science Online-Full Year
Science 1 brings science alive by providing students a combination of virtual lab investigations (with options for hand-on learning), interactive lessons that provide opportunities for inquiry, and an array of e-books that capture students’ attention and grow their interest in science.The curriculum begins with an overview of what science is and how to study it. Students then focus on plant and animal traits and relationships. In the last half of the course, students explore the patterns they see in the sky and examine how sounds and light are used to communicate and help them understand their world.
2nd Grade Art Online-Full Year
This course introduces students to the world of art and architecture. Students will learn about paintings and sculptures. They will see art that looks realistic and abstract. They will discover how artists use lines, shapes, colors, patterns, textures, and forms in artworks. They will discuss portrait, landscape, and still life artworks. They will discover art forms from Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas. Inspired by the artworks in the course, students create their own artworks using many different materials and techniques. Throughout the course, students draw, paint, and sculpt a variety of works, including self-portraits, landscapes, and still lifes.
2nd Grade Fitness and Health-Full Year
In this course, students continue learning about health and fitness. They learn about common illnesses and diseases and how to prevent illness. They will explore how to handle their emotions, build friendships, and ways to stay safe and make healthy choices. Lessons cover goal setting, mental health and wellness, bullying and cyberbullying, exercise and activity, and injury and violence prevention. Students participate in fitness activities in each lesson. Students practice performance strategies like fielding and striking and develop fundamental movement patterns at different levels, speeds, and positions. The course emphasizes lifetime fitness habits, and students acquire tools to build mental, social, and emotional health through lessons about problem solving, stress reduction, and goal setting
2nd Grade History Online-Full Year
Second graders investigate six social studies components in the course. The components covered in these units include map skills, geography, history, culture, economics, and civics. Within each unit, students explore various elements giving them a broad introduction to social studies knowledge and providing a base for future learning. Students learn mapping skills including parts, types, reading, and creating maps. An easy transition into geography follows, where students put their map skills to use exploring the features of communities, states, the country, and the world. In discovering the meaning of history, students investigate using sources to learn more about themselves and their communities. They also explore the lives of people who influenced history as leaders, inventors, and trailblazers. In the next unit students are off on an adventure to discover cultures around the world and in their own communities. In the remaining two units of the course, students learn the basic parts and operations of an economy and government.
2nd Grade Language Arts Online-Full Year
English Language Arts 2 provides a well-balanced approach to literacy that connects reading, writing, grammar, word study (including vocabulary and spelling), and handwriting into one integrated program. The course comprises 12 thematic units. Each unit contains workshops in which reading, writing, and word study are anchored by a focus text. Through read-aloud videos, independent reading, and close reading activities, students explore both classic and contemporary works in different genres and formats-fiction, poetry, drama, nonfiction, and magazines. Through studying model writing from the reading selections, students use the writing process to complete a variety of short and long compositions. Students learn about grammar, usage, and mechanics and apply those skills as they write, revise, and proofread their work. Students grow their vocabulary by leaning the meanings of words from the reading selections, as well as their ability to determine word meanings through strategy-based instruction on concepts such as word relationships, context clues, and word parts. Foundational concepts of phonological awareness and phonics are also included. Spelling instruction focuses on common spelling patterns and understanding how to apply them to words beyond those on the spelling lists.
2nd Grade Math Online-Full Year
Math 2 is designed to support true depth of knowledge required by today’s standards. With rich content to form conceptual understanding and enough practice to support mastery, including time built-in for individualized independent practice, games, and offline practice, Math 2 includes the tools and technology that students need to succeed. Math 2 focuses on numbers through 1,000; time and money; two-digit addition and subtraction; length; story problems; shapes; number patterns; and data displays.
2nd Grade Science Online-Full Year
Science 2 brings science alive by providing students with a combination of virtual lab investigations (with options for hands-on learning), interactive lessons, and an array of e-books that capture students' attention and grow their interest in science. Students engage in science and engineering practices as they explore topics such as matter and its interactions, changes to the earth, and plants and animals. Throughout the course, students conduct investigations using digital tools and simulations. Some labs also include alternative investigations that use household materials.
3D Modeling 1 Online Single Semester
Heart valves, cars, cartoons, and buildings may not seem to have much in common, but they all share one spectacular attribute: all originated as a 3D model. 3D modeling has changed the way the world makes things, and in this course, you’ll learn the basics to begin creating in 3D! You’ll learn how different 3D models are built and how to practice using a variety of modeling methods. By the end of the course, you’ll walk away with a portfolio of your ingenious modeling ideas. 3D modeling is an essential part of the modern world and soon, you’ll be able to contribute yourself!
3rd Grade Art Online-Full Year
This course introduces students to art and architecture from the 1400s through the 1700s. Students will extend their knowledge of elements of art and principles of design, such as form, texture, pattern, contrast, and balance. Students investigate artworks from Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas. Inspired by the artworks in the course, students create their own artworks using many different materials and techniques. Throughout the course, students draw, paint, and sculpt a variety of works, including self-portraits, landscapes, and still lifes.
3rd Grade Health-Full Year
It is important for children learn about all aspects of their health. The Summit Health 3 program teaches students about how their bodies work and grow and how to live a healthy, active lifestyle. They will also learn how to stay safe, how to handle emergencies, and about diseases, medicines, and unhealthy substances. The course ends with a few units that focus on the importance of social and emotional health.
3rd Grade History Online-Full Year
In this course, third graders practice important social studies skills while learning about the United States. They begin by discovering ways that maps can help us better understand the impact of geography on people and settlements over time. A tour across the United States highlights different features and landmarks across the nation. Then, a study of cultures, including worldwide and on a community level, helps students understand the American identity and how groups change over time. Focusing on American government the course introduces important concepts such as founding documents, federalism, and the functions of government at each level. A discussion of the importance of voting transitions to the next unit where students consider the meaning of citizenship and how people uphold their civic duties. Next, after studying the relationship between humans and the environment, students identify a public issue and complete a research-based report encouraging change. The final units introduce basic economic concepts concerning the American economy and important concepts of money and personal finance to help guide future economic decision-making.
3rd Grade Language Arts Online-Full Year
English Language Arts 3 provides a well-balanced approach to literacy that connects reading, writing, grammar, vocabulary, and spelling into one integrated program. Dedicated time for keyboarding practice is also included. The course comprises 14 units, including 2 assessment units. Each unit contains workshops that have one major focus (reading, writing, or word study) for instruction and reinforcement of big ideas. In reading workshops, students read independently both classic and contemporary works in a different genres and formats—fiction, poetry, drama, nonfiction, and magazines—before exploring each text through various activities. In writing workshops, students study writing models and then use the writing process to write a variety of compositions. They learn about grammar, usage, and mechanics and apply those skills as they revise and proofread their work. In word study workshops, students grow their vocabulary by learning the meanings of groups of conceptually related words. Students also learn to focus on spelling patterns that are necessary to be fluent, proficient readers, writers, and spellers.
3rd Grade Math Online-Full Year
Math 3 is designed to support true depth of knowledge required by today’s standards. With rich content to form conceptual understanding and enough practice to support mastery, including time built-in for individualized independent practice, games, and offline practice, Summit Math 3 includes the tools and technology that students need to succeed in a blended learning environment. Summit Math 3 focuses on reviewing patterns and number sense; discovering addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division strategies; exploring shapes and calculating area; learning about fractions and equivalent fractions; measuring time, length, liquid volume, and mass; and exploring and making data displays.
3rd Grade Physical Education-Full Year
Students explore a multitude of fitness activities through online reading, animations demonstrating fitness skills, and hands-on practice. Lessons emphasize proper form and execution of skills, rules of games, good sportsmanship, and an understanding of all that goes into the term “physical fitness.” Students exercise daily with workouts tailored to coordinate with the topics they are reading and learning about in the online component of the course. Workouts include creative and fun warmups, focus activities, and cooldowns, which students log and submit to their teacher. Students solidify the learning process by explaining what they have learned in writing. Topics include Components of Fitness – muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, balance, cardiovascular health Fitness and Health – nutrition, heart rate, stress management Safety – equipment, weather safety, proper warmups, rules of the road Team Sports – basketball, football, soccer, kickball, and volleyball Individual Activities – yoga, gymnastics Rhythm – understanding rhythm, dance moves, choreography Character – good sportsmanship, perseverance, inclusive activities
3rd Grade Science Online-Full Year
Science 3 brings science alive by providing students a combination of virtual lab investigations (with options for hand-on learning), interactive lessons, and an array of e-books that capture students’ attention and grow their interest in science. Students engage in science and engineering practices as they explore topics such as organisms, the environment, weather, climate, motion, and forces. Throughout the course, students conduct investigations using digital tools and simulations. Some labs also include alternative investigations that use household materials.
4th Grade Art Online
This course introduces students to the art and architecture of early America on through to modern art and architecture. Students will extend their knowledge of elements of art and principles of design, such as form, texture, pattern, contrast, and balance. They will investigate artworks from Colonial America and modern artworks that generated many new forms of expression. Inspired by the artworks in the course, students create their own artworks using many different materials and techniques. Throughout the course, students draw, paint, and sculpt a variety of works, including self-portraits, landscapes, and still lifes.
4th Grade Health-Full Year
It is important for children learn about all aspects of their health. The Summit Health 4 program teaches students about diseases, medicines, unhealthy substances, and how to respond to peer pressure. Students also learn about the importance of social and emotional health, how to handle emergencies, and how to stay safe.
4th Grade History Online-Full Year
Fourth Grade American Studies investigates a variety of United States social studies and history from our earliest settlers to building a modern world. The course starts with map skills and the use of maps to explore America’s regions and natural resources. A look at the nation’s history begins with pre-Columban societies and the conflicts arising from the arrival of European settlers. Students will embark on a tour across the nation, with a focus on historic sites and other landmarks. The course continues with an overview of the lives of early settlers and important milestones including westward expansion, civil rights, and how the country has grown and changed over time. Students complete a project about their state, with a focus on strengthening research, analysis, and presentation skills. Culminating with units on economics and government, students will explore topics such as taxes, financial choices, federal government, and the Bill of Rights.
4th Grade Language Arts Online-Full Year
English Language Arts 4 provides a well-balanced approach to literacy that connects reading, writing, grammar, vocabulary, and spelling into one integrated program. Dedicated time for keyboarding practice is also included. The course is made up of 14 units. Each unit focuses heavily on reading, interpreting, and responding to a variety of texts and genres. Students are provided with “words to know” prior to reading selections to enhance their vocabulary. The course also focuses on a variety of types of writing, including narrative, opinion, and informational. Grammar, usage, and mechanics are taught throughout each of lessons to help students strengthen these skills and apply them to their written work. Students also learn to focus on spelling patterns that are necessary to be fluent, proficient readers, writers, and spellers.
4th Grade Math Online-Full Year
Math 4 is designed to support true depth of knowledge required by today’s standards. With rich content to form conceptual understanding and enough practice to support mastery, including time built-in for individualized independent practice, games, and offline practice, Math 4 includes the tools and technology that students need to succeed in a blended learning environment. Math 4 focuses on expanding understanding of operations with whole numbers, developing a greater understanding of fractions, discovering decimals and their relationship to fractions, and exploring geometric figures.
4th Grade Physical Education-Full Year
Students explore a multitude of fitness activities through online reading, animations demonstrating fitness skills, and hands-on practice, building on skills they have learned in the past. Lessons emphasize proper form and execution of skills, rules of games, good sportsmanship, and an understanding of all that goes into the term “physical fitness.” Students exercise daily with workouts tailored to coordinate with the topics they are reading and learning about in the online component of the course. Workouts include creative and fun warmups, focus activities, and cooldowns, which students log and submit to their teacher. Students solidify the learning process by explaining what they have learned in writing. Topics include: Components of Fitness – muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, balance, cardiovascular health, coordination Fitness and Health – nutrition, heart rate, stress management, community involvement Safety – equipment, proper warmups, rules of the road Team Sports – basketball, football, soccer, volleyball, and ultimate frisbee Individual Activities – yoga, juggling, jump rope, in-line skating Rhythm – understanding rhythm, dance moves, choreography Character – good sportsmanship, perseverance
4th Grade Science Online-Full Year
Science 4 brings science alive by providing students a combination of virtual lab investigations (with options for hand-on learning), interactive lessons, and an array of e-books that capture students’ attention and grow their interest in science. Students engage in science and engineering practices as they explore topics such as energy, waves, information transfer, plant and animal structures, senses, and the earth’s features and resources. Throughout the course, students conduct investigations using digital tools and simulations. Some labs also include alternative investigations that use household materials.
5th Grade American History Online-Full Year
Students in Early American History 5 ED explore United States history, geography, economics, and government. This is done by focusing on the influence of physical and cultural characteristics on national origins, growth, and development up to the year 1800. Students study Indigenous cultures, European exploration, colonization, settlement, the American Revolution, the founding of the Republic, and the early years of the United States. Students learn about citizenship and the major components of the government as outlined in the United States Constitution. The course emphasizes critical thinking skills, including questioning, examining fact and opinion, analyzing and evaluating sources of information, contrasting and comparing using primary and secondary sources, and conducting research using a variety of resources. Additional social studies skills are integrated in the lessons including reading and analyzing maps, creating and interpreting charts and graphs, identifying relationships, engaging in debate, writing a persuasive essay, and developing thinking and independent study skills.
5th Grade Art-Full Year
This course introduces students to the art of indigenous peoples of North America through to the art and architecture of Colonial America. Students will extend their knowledge of elements of art and principles of design, such as form, texture, pattern, contrast, and balance. Inspired by the artworks in the course, students create their own artworks using many different materials and techniques. Throughout the course, students draw, paint, and sculpt a variety of works, including self-portraits, landscapes, and still lifes.
5th Grade Health Online-Full Year
Students learn how to identify behaviors that are healthy and how to promote them to others. The course builds on the knowledge students acquired in grade 4. Students are introduced to a variety of concepts including nutritional requirements; avoiding drugs, alcohol, and tobacco; self-esteem and stress management; and bullying.
5th Grade Language Arts Online-Full Year
English Language Arts 5 provides a well-balanced approach to literacy that connects reading, writing, grammar, vocabulary, and spelling into one integrated program. Dedicated time for keyboarding practice is also included. The course is made up of 12 units. Each unit contains workshops that center on one major focus (reading, writing, or word study) for instruction and reinforcement of big ideas. In reading workshops, students read independently in a variety of genres and formats—fiction, poetry, drama, nonfiction, magazines, and graphic novels—before exploring each text through various activities. In writing workshops, students analyze model writing samples and then work through the writing process to develop original compositions of their own. They learn about grammar, usage, and mechanics and apply those skills as they revise and proofread their work. In word study workshops, students grow their vocabulary by learning the meanings of groups of conceptually related words. Students also learn to focus on spelling patterns that are necessary to be fluent, proficient readers, writers, and spellers.
5th Grade Math Online-Full Year
Math 5 is designed to support true depth of knowledge required by today’s standards. With rich content to form conceptual understanding and enough practice to support mastery, including time built-in for individualized independent practice, games, and offline practice, Summit Math 5 includes the tools and technology that students need to succeed in a blended learning environment. Summit Math 5 focuses on expanding understanding of operations with fractions, developing a greater fluency with operations with multi-digit numbers, expanding understanding of decimals, and learning to perform operations with decimals, learning about the coordinate plane, and exploring volume.
5th Grade Physical Education-Full Year
Students will develop the knowledge and skills they need to make positive fitness decisions to stay active, safe, and informed, as teenagers and adults. The lessons and activities introduce important aspects of physical health and fitness and focus on helping students learn new fitness skills and stay active. Students will set fitness goals and assess their progress throughout the course. Students will use daily Fitness Plans to guide their physical activity and Fitness Logs to track their activity.
5th Grade Science Online-Full Year
Science 5 brings science alive by providing students a combination of virtual lab investigations (with options for hand-on learning), interactive lessons, and an array of e-books that capture students’ attention and grow their interest in science. Students engage in science and engineering practices as they explore topics such as matter, organisms, ecosystems, the earth’s systems, and the earth’s place in the universe. Throughout the course, students conduct investigations using digital tools and simulations. Some labs also include alternative investigations that use household materials.
6th Grade American History Since 1865 Online
$289 - $399
The second half of a detailed two-year survey of the history of the United States, this course takes students from the westward movement of the late 1800s to the present. Lessons integrate topics in geography, civics, and economics. The course guides students through critical episodes in the story of America. Students examine the effect of the settlement of the American West; investigate the social, political, and economic changes that resulted from industrialization; explore the changing role of the United States in international affairs from the late nineteenth century through the end of the Cold War; and trace major events and trends in the United States from the Cold War through the first decade of the twenty-first century.
6th Grade Earth Science Online
$289 - $399
The Earth Science curriculum builds on the natural curiosity of students. By connecting them to the beauty of geological history, the amazing landforms around the globe, the nature of the sea and air, and the newest discoveries about our universe, the curriculum gives students an opportunity to relate to their everyday world. Students will explore topics such as the fundamentals of geology, oceanography, meteorology, and astronomy; Earth’s minerals and rocks; Earth’s interior; plate tectonics, earthquakes, volcanoes, and the movements of continents; geology and the fossil record; the oceans and the atmosphere; and the solar system and the universe. Lesson assignments help students discover how scientists investigate the science of our planet.When enrolling in the full year option of this course it will be delivered in two semesters. Transcripts will reflect each semester separately
6th Grade Intermediate American Art II Online
Intermediate American Art II lessons include an introduction to the artists, cultures, and great works of American art and architecture from the end of the Civil War through modern times. Students will investigate paintings done in various styles, from impressionist to pop; learn about modern sculpture and folk art; discover how photographers and painters have inspired one another; examine examples of modern architecture, from skyscrapers to art museums; and create artworks inspired by works they learn about.
6th Grade Language Arts Online
$289 - $399
This course equips students with the essential language arts skills needed throughout their academic careers. Students read and analyze a variety of informational and fictional texts. Instruction and reading strategies accompany reading selections to help engage students in the text and sharpen their comprehension. Students express their ideas and knowledge using standard (formal) English in written and oral assignments. Writing expressive, analytical, and procedural compositions helps students develop communication skills necessary in today’s world. Vocabulary is taught explicitly and through an array of vocabulary acquisition strategies that give students the tools to independently increase their vocabulary. Students study grammar, usage, and mechanics; and practice sentence analysis, sentence structure, and proper punctuation. The course includes discussion activities that engage students in the curriculum while creating a sense of community.When enrolling in the full year option of this course it will be delivered in two semesters. Transcripts will reflect each semester separately
6th Grade Math Online
$289 - $399
In our Grade 6 mathematics course, students deepen their understanding of multiplication and division of fractions to apply their knowledge to divide fractions by fractions, with an additional focus on increasing efficiency and fluency. Students gain a foundation in the concepts of ratio and rate as an extension of their work with whole number multiplication and division, and in preparation for work with proportional relationships in Grade 7. Students also make connections among area, volume, and surface area, and continue to lay the groundwork for deep algebraic understanding by interpreting and using expressions and equations.When enrolling in the full year option of this course it will be delivered in two semesters. Transcripts will reflect each semester separately.
7th Grade Health Online
This course is designed to teach lifetime health and wellness knowledge in order to prevent various psychological and physical disorders. Students will learn health information and practices, as well as experience implementing their newfound skills and knowledge. They will acquire the skills necessary to handle peer pressure, recognize unhealthy and risky behaviors and how to prevent and avoid them, and develop strategies for improving personal and community health. Students will gain an understanding of the relationships that influence one’s health, as well as refusal and coping skills that play a major part in personal health, as well. Quizzes, discussion sessions among peers, projects, and interactions will be assessed weekly to gauge content understanding. After completion of this course, the student will understand and have experience practicing lifelong skills for lifelong health and wellness.
7th Grade Intermediate World Art I Online
Intermediate World Art I lessons include an introduction to the artists, cultures, and great works of world art and architecture from ancient through medieval times. Students will investigate how artists from different civilizations used various techniques, from painting to mosaic; examine elements of design and styles of decoration, from the spiral to the solar disk; and explore some of the best-preserved works from ancient tombs, including the treasures of Egypt’s King Tut.
7th Grade Language Arts Online
$289 - $399
This course continues the development of comprehension and analysis of informational and fictional texts with an ongoing emphasis on reading strategies. Students express themselves using standard (formal) English in written and oral presentations. Analyzing and practicing the form and structure of various genres of writing enhances students’ communication skills. Students study a variety of media to understand informational and persuasive techniques, explicit and implied messages, and how visual and auditory cues affect messages. Grammar, usage, and mechanics skills are deepened. Students continue to widen their vocabulary and apply acquisition strategies. The course includes discussion activities that engage students in the curriculum while creating a sense of community.When enrolling in the full year option of this course it will be delivered in two semesters. Transcripts will reflect each semester separately
7th Grade Life Science Online
$289 - $399
The Life Science program invites students to investigate the world of living things—at levels both large and small—by reading, observing, and experimenting with aspects of life on Earth. Students explore an amazing variety of organisms, the complex workings of the cell and cell biology, the relationship between living things and their environments, and discoveries in the world of modern genetics. Students tackle such topics as ecology, microorganisms, animals, plants, cells, animals, species, adaptation, heredity, genetics, and the history of life on Earth. Lesson activities and assignments help students discover how scientists investigate the living world.When enrolling in the full year option of this course it will be delivered in two semesters. Transcripts will reflect each semester separately
7th Grade Math Online
$289 - $399
In Stride’s Grade 7 mathematics course, students focus on real-world scenarios and mathematical problems involving algebraic expressions and linear equations and begin to apply their understanding of rational numbers with increased complexity. The course lays the foundation for exploring concepts of angle, similarity and congruence, more formally addressed in Grade 8, as students work with scale drawings and construct and analyze relationships among geometric figures. Students also develop and apply understandings of proportional relationships.When enrolling in the full year option of this course it will be delivered in two semesters. Transcripts will reflect each semester separately.
7th Grade World History I Online
$289 - $399
World History I surveys the story of the human past from the period before written records, prehistory, through the fourteenth century. The course is organized chronologically and, within broad eras, regionally. The course focus is the story of the human past and change over time, including the development of religion, philosophy, the arts, and science and technology. Geography concepts and skills are introduced as they appear in the context of the historical narrative. Students explore what archaeologists and historians have learned about the earliest hunter-gatherers and farmers, and then move to a study of the four river valley civilizations. After a brief writing unit, they study the origins of Confucianism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Judaism and the eras in which they developed. The second half of the course traces the story of classical Greece and Rome, the Byzantine Empire, the origins of Christianity and Islam, and then continues through the fourteenth century in Europe, North Africa, and East Asia. Historical thinking skills are a key component of Intermediate World History. Students practice document and art analysis, conduct research, and write in a variety of formats. They also practice map reading skills and look at how historians draw conclusions about the past as well as what those conclusions are.
8th Grade Health Online
The grade 8 health course helps students develop the knowledge and skills they need to make healthy decisions to stay active, safe, and informed as teenagers and as adults. The lessons and activities introduce important aspects of the main types of health: emotional and mental health, social health and wellness, and physical health. Among other topics, students explore nutrition, understanding and avoiding disease, violence prevention and safety, body systems, and building character through maintaining healthy relationships. They also explore topics related to the use and abuse of tobacco, drugs, and alcohol; green schools and environmental health; dating, abstinence, and human sexuality; and mental and emotional health and disorders. The course engages students with relevant health and wellness topics, and real-world concepts and health issues. Quizzes and tests assess student understanding of the various health topics and concepts from the course.
8th Grade Intermediate World Art II Online
Intermediate World Art II lessons include an introduction to the artists, cultures, and great works of world art and architecture from the Renaissance through modern times. Students will study various works of art from the Renaissance and beyond; discover great works of art and see how they influenced later artists; compare and contrast works from many civilizations, from paintings to sculpture, architecture, book covers, prints, and more; and create artworks inspired by works they learn about.
8th Grade Language Arts Online
$289 - $399
Throughout this course, students engage in literary analysis and close reading of short stories, poetry, drama, novels, and informational texts. The course focuses on interpretation of literary works, analysis of informational texts, and the development of oral and written communication skills in standard (formal) English. Students read "between the lines" to interpret literature and go beyond the text to discover how the culture in which a work of literature was created contributes to the theme and ideas it conveys. Analysis of the structure and elements of informational texts and media helps students develop the skills needed for academic success and navigating the world. Students continue to acquire knowledge and skills in grammar, usage, mechanics, and vocabulary. Setting goals, self-monitoring progress, and reflecting on successes and challenges help students become metacognitive learners. The course includes discussion activities that engage students in the curriculum while creating a sense of community.When enrolling in the full year option of this course it will be delivered in two semesters. Transcripts will reflect each semester separately