Keystone Scholarship Program

The Keystone School

Keystone's scholarship program exists for middle school and high school students. Learn about application requirements and next steps today!

Keystone Scholarship Program

At Keystone, we are committed to helping students thrive. The scholarship program exists for middle school and high school students. Applications can be submitted online prior to enrollment in courses. Keystone awards up to five scholarships for middle and high school students per year. Learn more about the middle school scholarship application and high school scholarship application requirements.

Scholarship Benefits

Recipients will receive the services and support available to full-time students, including Student Success Advisor support, engagement monitoring, college counseling, and instructional support from certified teachers. Students will also be assigned a mentor that can provide additional support, encouragement and connections with resources.

Scholarship Application

Keystone awards up to five scholarships for tuition-free, full-time enrollment* per school year to new or returning students in 6th through 10thgrade. The recipient must demonstrate both high academic potential and family financial need. Students must complete the scholarship application and submit all requested materials prior to enrollment. Click here to complete the Scholarship Application Form.

Who Can Apply?

Middle school students who are entering their 6th, 7th, or 8th grade year and high school students with an average letter grade of B and meet the scholarship's economic needs guidelines.

  • Selection Process

    Upon receipt of middle school scholarship applications and high school scholarship applications, submissions will be evaluated. Scholarships are merit-based and applications will be evaluated on three student essays, grade point average, two letters of recommendation, Parent Information Form, financial needs, and student introduction.

    The scholarship committee will rate all required components on the applications and before final selection, candidates will be interviewed by phone or video conference.

    Scholarship recipients can expect to be notified within 1 month of their completed application submission. Students receiving a scholarship and their parent/guardian must complete a form agreeing to the terms of the program.

    After final scholarship acceptances are completed and agreement forms are signed, applicants who were not selected will receive email notifications.

Recipient Expectations

Scholarship selection is a great privilege and honor at The Keystone School, along with these recipients taking part in their course work and consistently logging into their courses, below are additional expectations that we request that each recipient comply with on a yearly basis as part of being awarded a Keystone Scholarship:

  • Maintain good academic standing and consistent course pacing across all courses.
  • Meet with a Keystone School assigned mentor at least once a month.
  • Complete mini surveys throughout the year to provide feedback on your Keystone experience.
  • Enhance the school community by participating in one of the following options: join a club, become a student mentor, assist with Keystone’s social media efforts as a Featured Student, participate in podcasts, being part of a student focus group, etc.

We know that parents play a pivotal role in our student’s educational journey. We look for parent insight and input for our scholarship recipient process as well. The expectations for parents of scholarship recipients includes:

  • Participate in a minimum of three Keystone Family Connection events throughout the year. More information about the KFC can be found here.
  • Complete mini surveys throughout the year to provide feedback on your Keystone experience.
  • Upon completion of these courses, provide a testimonial or public-facing review about your experience at Keystone.

Scholarship Renewal

The goal of the Keystone Scholarship Program is to renew scholarships for all years of high school for the awarded students. Annual scholarship renewal decisions are made based on the student’s engagement and academic progress and will be determined on a yearly basis. To be eligible for renewal, students must meet the following criteria:

  • Maintain at least a 3.0 GPA(HS) or average letter grade of B(MS) for each scholarship year
  • Maintain course pacing requirements, completing courses on time without extensions
  • Meet student activity requirements as identified in the Student Activity Policy
  • Participate in all mentoring meetings and activities unless excused by the mentor

For questions about the scholarship renewal process, please email


Request information

Due to U.S. Treasury requirements, Keystone cannot offer refunds to students with a non-U.S. address. Money paid will be refunded upon receipt of returned course materials. To request cancellation, contact Student Services at 800.255.4937. Please note that The Keystone School is not able to accept enrollments from students located in the following countries: Bahrain, Crimea Region, Cuba, Iran, Kuwait, Lebanon, North Korea, Syria, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and member countries of the EU.

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